The Development Academy of the Bangsamoro (DAB) recently organized a Training of Trainers (TOT) on Policy Development at the Grand Summit Hotel in General Santos City. The event, held on May 23-24, aimed to enhance the capabilities of DAB employees as trainers and facilitators in the field of policy development.
Led by the Center of Research and Policy Development, spearheaded by Division Chief Fairodz P. Taalim, the TOT brought together employees from various divisions within the Development Academy of the Bangsamoro. The training was facilitated by a team of experts from the Legislative Research Division (LRD) of the Policy Research and Legal Services (PRLS), who shared their knowledge and experience through lectures and presentations.
The esteemed team of lecturers included Dr. Nassef Manabilang Adiong, Director of PRLS, Mr. Vincent L. Casil, PRLS-LRD Supervising Legislative Staff Officer II, Mr. Al-Raffy A. Harun, PRLS-LRD Legislative Staff Officer, Mr. Kebart P. Licayan, PRLS-LRD Legislative Staff Officer III, Mr. Mc Erschad D. Pabillan, PRLS-LRD Administrative Officer V, and Mr. Defcon Israel M. Tan, PRLS-LRD Administrative Assistant III.
During the two-day training program, the participants were presented with an overview of a template paper for policy research and development. The lectures covered research techniques and policy-relevant methodologies, aligning with the objectives of the DAB Training of Trainers event.
Following the training sessions, the participants had the opportunity to showcase their newly acquired skills and knowledge by presenting their developed policy research and studies. The policy areas addressed during the presentations included succession planning in the Bangsamoro Government, mandatory onboarding training for BARMM ministries, the establishment of a Center of Knowledge Management (CKM) Digital Library, modernizing administrative functions at the Development Academy of the Bangsamoro, and a specialized graduate degree program on moral governance.
The primary objective of the TOT on Policy Development was to equip DAB employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively train and facilitate policy development. By enhancing their expertise and competencies, the training aimed to uphold high efficiency and productivity in the Bangsamoro region.
The successful completion of the Training of Trainers on Policy Development signifies a significant step towards empowering the employees of the Development Academy of the Bangsamoro, ensuring they possess the necessary tools to make valuable contributions to policy development and implementation in the region.
DAB, as the human capital development training and research arm of the Bangsamoro Government for government officials and employees, is a CSC recognized Government Learning and Development Institution under the Office of the Chief Minister Hon. Ahod B. Ebrahim. DAB is currently under the leadership of Executive Director Sh. Hisham S. Nando, M.A.
#biDABest #ProductiveBangsamoro #MoralGovernance