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DAB Team has managed to meet the Ministry of Interior and Local Government (MILG)

LOOK: Despite the busy schedule, the DAB Team has managed to meet the Ministry of Interior and Local Government (MILG) Minister Atty. Naguib Sinarimbo on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, to talk about the development of module-making on moral governance, which will be an element part of the ongoing orientation of all LGUs in BARMM.

The group also tackled the identification of criteria in the selection of the Salamat Hashim Award for LGUs, where moral governance was highlighted. DAB and MILG agreed to meet again to discuss possible collaborations in terms of speakership and facilitators’ training.

DAB is the human capital development training and research arm of the Bangsamoro Government for government officials and employees under the Office of the Chief Minister Hon. Ahod “Murad” B. Ebrahim, Al-Haj. DAB is currently under the leadership of President Dr. Norodin D. Salam. #biDABest #ProductiveBangsamoro #MoralGovernance

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