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MBHTE-EFS taps DAB for the conduct of Project Implementation Review and Operational Planning Workshop

The Ministry of Basic, Higher, and Technical Education – Education Facilities Section (MBHTE-EFS) sought the technical expertise of the Development Academy of the Bangsamoro (DAB) through Center of Training and Assessment (CTA) for the conduct of their Project Implementation Review and Operational Planning Workshop. The 4-day activity took place at Acacia Hotel in Davao City, held on February 1-4, 2024.

This activity was conducted to evaluate the success of past projects and establish plan for the year 2024. During the activity, the team were able to establish their detailed process flow, project implementation plan and work plan for 2024. They also identified the strengths and weaknesses of the current operational strategies and evaluated the effectiveness of their current systems. Based on the findings, the team developed a new set of operational strategies to address the challenges and maximize the opportunities.

The successful completion of this workshop is a significant step towards improving project management practices in the region, ultimately benefiting the education sector and its stakeholders in the Bangsamoro Government.

DAB, as the human capital development training and research arm of the Bangsamoro Government for government officials and employees, is a CSC recognized Government Learning and Development Institution under the Office of the Chief Minister Hon. Ahod B. Ebrahim. DAB is currently under the leadership of Executive Director Sh. Hisham S. Nando, M.A.
#biDABest #ProductiveBangsamoro #MoralGovernance


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