LOOK:In quest of establishing a strong financial system, the DAB – Finance and Administration Team engaged an exploratory meeting with some key personnel of the Government Accounting Sector and the Head of the Training and Relations Division of the Professional Development Center at Commission on Audit, Batasan Complex, Quezon City on March 6, 2024 to discuss possible conduct of training on the Enhanced Electronic New Government Accounting System (eNGAS) and Electronic Budget System (eBudget).
The eNGAS simplifies government accounting, adheres to international standards, and generates periodic financial reports for improved performance monitoring. It ensures correctness, reliability, completeness, and timely reporting through accounting software. The eBudget System records and tracks budget-related transactions, enabling efficient monitoring of allotments and obligations.
DAB, as the human capital development training and research arm of the Bangsamoro Government for government officials and employees, is a CSC recognized Government Learning and Development Institution under the Office of the Chief Minister Hon. Ahod B. Ebrahim. DAB is currently under the leadership of Executive Director Sh. Hisham S. Nando, M.A.