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Two Heads Are Better Than One: DAB and BTA in Action!

The Development Academy of the Bangsamoro (DAB) teamed up with BTA-PRLS, BTA-OSG, and BTA-HRMD to plan a series of capacity development interventions held at Committee Conference Room, Carumba Building (Old PSA Building) on May 17, 2024. The meeting was a collaborative effort, bringing together key figures such as the Secretary-General Prof. Raby Angkal, Director II Nassef M. Adiong, Phd and Ma’am Norhata D. Sarip, MBA. Their valuable insights contributed to a highly productive discussion. Participants also shared suggestions and proposals, focusing on how best to implement these training programs to improve efficiency and effectiveness within the BTA workforce.

The gathering underscored the importance of teamwork and continuous learning. By working together, the DAB and BTA are paving the way for significant improvements of the Bangsamoro workfocre. The meeting ended on a positive note, with clear steps outlined for the upcoming training sessions. This collaboration is a prime example of how combining efforts and expertise can lead to greater success, truly embodying the idea that “two heads are better than one.”

DAB, as the human capital development training and research arm of the Bangsamoro Government for government officials and employees, is a CSC recognized Government Learning and Development Institution under the Office of the Chief Minister Hon. Ahod B. Ebrahim. DAB is currently under the leadership of Executive Director Sh. Hisham S. Nando, M.A.
#biDABest #ProductiveBangsamoro #MoralGovernance


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